Evil spirit at play.

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It is the year 2039. After the resource depleting conflict in Greece, Europe suffers from a new deflation crisis, leading the crime rate to a new peak in history. Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Council are forced to react. Being a desperate alternative to overcrowded and prohibitive prisons, offenders are now being sent to EXILE.
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Evil spirit at play.

Post by Chris33 »

today during the cession of before 1 AM in Europe, i had a problem with two players on a mission.
With Jeff31 and me (Chris33) we claim a Bandit Tank near Athira. During that two players came in a helicopter and kill a lot of IA. We fired warning shots and said it was a closed mission not open.
The two guys are REZ and Karl.
I'm reporting the facts because they said they were notifying the admins to ban us. It seems for me, Rez is not really clean in his way to play. It's just my feeling.
Thank you. Have a good day.
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