It's been along time

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It's been along time

Post by MTarget »

Hello manOwar
Just for the hell of it I searched AFD and here I am. I was surprised you still have a website going lol.
We sure had some good gaming with the old AFD team.
I haven't played those games in alot of years. But I still have them all.
Been playing a few games sniper elite 4 and 5 but that's about it. Altho I did fire up the old gaming PC a few weeks ago. And played some battle field 4 an COD go totally
First time I turned it on in around 6-7 years and it still worked.
Any of the old AFD gang around .
Anyways just thought I would say hi. Ttyl
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Re: It's been along time

Post by manOwar »

Hey there MT, it has been too long!
It's great to hear from you and I hope things are going well.
I suppose AFD will have a presence as long as I can afford to keep it and old friends stop and check in to say hello.
You can still find some of our match and scrim videos on YouTube with a quick search if you're feeling nostalgic. So many good games and strategies.
Keep in touch!
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